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  3. Tips to Install and Maintain Your Greenhouse

I'm having difficulty mounting my exhaust fan. What is recommended?

Our exhaust fan mounts are drilled & punched in a particular way to ensure a secure fit.

Our exhaust fan mounts are designed and drilled to allow you to secure the system into place. 

The side with punched-in holes is for fastening to your greenhouse.  The opposite side is drilled to match the exhaust fan.

When you are ready to install, line up the mounting bracket so that the fan is centred and the holes align.

Connect the brackets to the fan using 1/4 x 3/4" bolts, washers & nuts.

Connect the fan to the greenhouse frame using 1/4 x 1/2" bolts & nuts.

Still need additional assistance?

Our amazing Technical Support team can be reached at techsupport@bcgreenhouses.com or by phone at 1-888-391-4433.