Before You Order Seeds for Your Hobby Greenhouse, Read the Fine Print.
1. Pollination
- Before you grow anything in your greenhouse, be sure to check how your favorite plants are pollinated. Lemons tomatoes and strawberries grow without insect pollination but fruit better with insects or a little help from the gardener.
2. Parthenocarpic
- This one word is key to success in a hobby greenhouse. It is important to look for it in catalogues, especially under listings of cucumbers and zucchini. A parthenocarpic plant makes fruit without pollination and, if grown with other parthenocarpic types, the fruit is seedless.
3. Spray on Fertilizer
- Green plants need nitrogen. In cold soils in the early spring greenhouse, the microbes that release nitrogen to the plants can’t function. Products like fish or seed meal need warm soil before they trigger green plant growth. This is why specialty fertilizers like the ferticare products work so well. They are instantly available because they can be sprayed on leaves for faster uptake, making cold soils irrelevant.
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