Load requirements in your area are needed to start the process.
Early in the buying process, we will ask about the wind and snow load requirements needed for your area. We have experienced many customers in the past where this step has been skipped, and the customer returns to us looking for additional upgrades. To avoid additional charges and to expedite the sales process, we recommend confirming your wind and snow load requirements prior to placing an order.
We will send you our Engineering Sign-Off Sheet for final approval.
Please note:
- Lead times for drawings can vary, depending on design changes, delays via coordination of details with customer, and per the busyness of parties and businesses involved including BC Greenhouse Builders
- If the required engineered loads are higher than have been stated above, additional costs may be incurred. BC Greenhouse Builders will confirm with the customer before any additional charges are made. At this time, you can choose to cancel the order for a full refund of both the deposit & engineering costs.
- Any design changes after engineering has been completed may require additional costs.
- Due to the custom nature of our greenhouses, possible design changes and differing permit requirements, we are unable to guarantee the scheduled ship date for the greenhouse until permits are issued.